GAZA: The coming victory

Israel, hear me Israel!
The bitter wails of Gaza’s mums have reached grieving Heaven,
And the stormy winds bear her rulings to you,
Rulings that you act like you know not.
You may pick where your cruel bombs fall,
But little is the power you have over where their shrapnel ends:
Some fly right into our hearts and tear a piece of Israel!

Israel, hear me once again!
The evening news across nations big and small bear Heaven’s rulings
to you,
Rulings that you act like you know not.
You may pick the homes, fields, and cots to set on fire,
But little is the power you have over where their smoke will drift!
Across starry skies of nations big and small
This foul smoke spreads menacingly and little by little blackens
the glorious Star of David.

You are wronged, we know, and many are your wounds.
But the star on your banner must be cloaked in light.
For might without light turns to blight–
A blight dark and evil on earth’s bright face!
Rabbis may look good in black, O Israel, but not the Star of David!

So steel thyself Gaza through your million torments;
The world bleeds with you.
Inch by inch you lose your lands, but inch by inch you win our hearts.
And that day will someday come when with Israel lies all the land, and
with Gaza all the hearts;
One by one Zion’s fire arms shall fall before our warm fleshy arms,
Reaching out to hold your hands as you take first steps to statehood,
Then victory, sweet thundering victory, at last shall dwell in Gaza!



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